Public Media Tech Foundation
Democratising and Empowering Media
“Truth lies concealed by a golden lid,
Please open that cover
So that the Truth so concealed be visible”
Our Objectives
- To promote democratization and empowerment in the field of media and communication all over India and all the states of India.
- To promote Public-interest and public spirited journalism in all Indian languages, dialects as also in English through all mediums.
- To help build and nourish conductive, transparent and all-inclusive ecosystem in the field of media and communication.
- To ensure equal access to contents for all irrespective of caste creed, religion, gender etc.
- To Encourage attainment of higher editorial standards uninfluenced by any external factors.
- To help individuals and institutions engaged in public-spirited media activities in order to make dissemination of news and views free from all barriers.
- To influence public debates, narratives and discourse and to create a conductive environment for the same for the larger cause of ensuring democratization of media space.
- To empower and enable individuals and institutions to exercise their democratic rights of free speech and dissemination as enshrined in the Constitution of India.
- To encourage research, development and innovation in the field of media, technology, Media Tech, AI, MI and other new technologies as prevalent today or may be made available in future.
- To help, create, store, share, disseminate content in any form by individuals and other for the benefit
Activities to be undertaken

Help and strengthen a democratic, people oriented, transparent conductive system in the field of media and communication to empower diverse and divergent opinions and voices from the grassroots across India.

Promote, assist, render financial support and/or aid to or help in in maintaining and /or running schools, colleges and other institutions for research and training development, enhancement of skills in the field of media and communications.

Provide financial and other assistance to organizations/ individuals creating and distributing public- interest information to the public at large using digital media, social media, traditional media, mass media or any other form of media
Other activities
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of Public Media Tech Foundation is led by the senior journalist, academician and communication professional with over three decades of experience, Umesh Upadhyay.
Contact us
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